About Me

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Hello! This is a blog documenting works in progress produced by me in DSDN 144. As the blog title explains it all, I'm a photography newbie. Always had strong interests in photography and loves looking at amazing photographs that captures the 'moment'. Looking forward to explore in the world of lights and shadows and learn more skills on taking the 'wow amaazing!' photo :)

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Project 3 Object: Edited photos from initial shoot

Here are the edited photos from initial photo shoot. I experiemented with the beans and trying to liquify them by doing the pouring action. After this photoshoot, I was not very satisfied with the results, I am thinking of choosing more interesting objects to create more interesting and creative images.

Also this photoshoot was taken with my Canon 50D, with 18-135mm lens which was not very useful in taking close up photos. I will experiement further with a normal/compact camera to achieve the close up more focused result.

Pouring. Liquidfying the beans.

Dancing beans :)

Standing out.

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