About Me

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Hello! This is a blog documenting works in progress produced by me in DSDN 144. As the blog title explains it all, I'm a photography newbie. Always had strong interests in photography and loves looking at amazing photographs that captures the 'moment'. Looking forward to explore in the world of lights and shadows and learn more skills on taking the 'wow amaazing!' photo :)

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Project 3 Object: 2nd photoshoot

Second photoshoot I wanted to experiement with matches to see if I could create something cool. I set up a mini studio at home and I had burrowed my friend's bridge camera, so I wanted to try and get familiar with the camera.

Here are the images that I think was good:

The composition of this image reminds me of a waterway or riverside. I could improve this image by adjusting the lighting, but because this was done at home it wasn't possible. Also adjusting the focus and the angles, maybe even go closer.

I like this image because from looking at it at a glance, you don't really know that it's matches, kind looks like a bunch of flowers.

This got me thinking. I could manipulate the matches to look like raspberrys! To transform it from it's original function- part of the brief.

Next step:

I wanted to keep the options open, and experiment with more objects. As well as go to the photogrpahy room to use the different lighting on the objects.

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