I realised that this was difficult to achieve as the size of the shelves are relatively small and there are not many overpowering shelves that could achieve that effect.

This image shows the concept of the shelves towering over you. Low angle camera shot was used in this photo to achieve that effect. Even though this image has the towering effect it didn't show any qualities of the space.
Images from initial shot_1
This image shows the brightness and freshness of the fruit and produce department. I liked this image becuase of the vibrant colours and it is the first space that you would encounter when you enter the supermarket. The freshness and variety triggers consumer's desire to buy. However, this image could be seen as an advertising shot trying to sell the 'big shiny apples'. I should think about altering the camera angle or the composition of the image, so that it still captures the quality of that space without beening too commercial.
Perspective lines and order was communicated quite strongly in this image. I like this image becuase it gives the sense of space and shows the large 'airy' quality of the supermarket. The sense of rhythm is really strong in this image where everything is in order and the shelves seems to be extending continuously.
This image is one of my favourite. Showing the quality of the space which is in the frozen food aisle. There is a sense of loneliness in this image with the woman standing in the distance deciding on what to buy. The emotion that is represented here is of the isolation in this moment, where supermarket is always a place buzzing with movement and people so it was different and quite unique about this image as it shows a 'quiet' and personal moment.
What to do next:
After looking through the images from this photoshoot, I will need to go back and take more. Be more specific and clear about my rationale. Also figure out whats the motif or concept behind the photos.
-What am I trying to communicate?
-How should i capture the quality of the space?
-What do I want the audience to see in the images?
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