This exercise was very useful as I learnt how to control and change these settings so that I can achieve a better photography with the right exposure. When we took photos as a group, practising adjusting the different settings allowed us to get different images with different focus points. This will be very helpful when I carry out my own photoshooting for Project 1.

One thing that I found very helpful and interesting was the AWB- white balance, this could alter the quality of the image dramatically if the setting was not set up appropiately.
Examples from our group exercise:
AWB not adjusted.
AWB adjusted.
It is obvious the difference between the two photographs. The 2nd photograph is better because the White Balance is adjusted so the blue tinge is gone, more realistic colours.
Aperture V.S Shutter Speed
1/8 sec, f.22.0, ISO 200
1/6 sec, f.8.0, ISO 80
Adjusting the aperture and shutter speed gives us the ability to freeze or to blur time, giving blurred images to show motion and speed.
Depth of Field:
Adjusting the aperture and shutter speed gives us the ability to freeze or to blur time, giving blurred images to show motion and speed.
Depth of Field:
1/200 sec, f.3.5, ISO 200
The focus point in this image is at the hand, which means any object within the (F1.8) range will be in focus and everything else will be blurry.
The focus point in this image is at the hand, which means any object within the (F1.8) range will be in focus and everything else will be blurry.
1/50 sec, f.11.0, ISO 200
In contrast, this image's focus is futher away (F3.5). As we can see the objects in the distances is sharp compare to the previous image where everything is blurred.
In contrast, this image's focus is futher away (F3.5). As we can see the objects in the distances is sharp compare to the previous image where everything is blurred.
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