About Me

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Hello! This is a blog documenting works in progress produced by me in DSDN 144. As the blog title explains it all, I'm a photography newbie. Always had strong interests in photography and loves looking at amazing photographs that captures the 'moment'. Looking forward to explore in the world of lights and shadows and learn more skills on taking the 'wow amaazing!' photo :)

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Project 1 Place: Proposal_Initial Shots_1

Initial shots are taken at places with the theme of public socialising places such as: Saint James Theatre, Paramount Cinema, and the last place with a different theme at New World Supermarket. These initial shots are to help me get use to seeing the place through the camera and looking at the place photographically, which is completely different to seeing the place normally with our eyes.

For this project I want to explore with my camera to communicate the quality of the space, which is the supermarket. The feelings or qualities that I want to communicate is the social aspect of the supermarket, a place where everything is stacked up systematically to attract consumer's attention and makes them have the desire to purchase goods.

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