About Me

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Hello! This is a blog documenting works in progress produced by me in DSDN 144. As the blog title explains it all, I'm a photography newbie. Always had strong interests in photography and loves looking at amazing photographs that captures the 'moment'. Looking forward to explore in the world of lights and shadows and learn more skills on taking the 'wow amaazing!' photo :)

Friday, 13 August 2010

Project 2 people: Class exercise_ PS merging

From Studio we experiemented with photoshop and manipulating images (merging of photos) to create a face from multiple images. Also we were introduced to different lighting techniques and lights from the photography room.

Here is the image I created using Lukas and my face. I couldn't find the original photos because they were saved on T:drive and it was deleted by the time I went back to look for it. But here is the end result.
-Using my hat
-my eyes/glasses
-Lukas's fringe
-Half of my hair
-Lukas's mouth
From this exercise I discovered that merging images together can be done with care and the end result is quite realistic. I could possible use this technique in my project to manipulate images where possible.

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